Sidney R Thomas: Circuit Judge, Ninth Circuit
Showing opinions 1 to 20 of 46 Next
USA v. Snellenberger | October 28, 2008 |
Appeal from the Central District of California | |
Before: Rymer, Hawkins, Gould, Thomas, Kozinski, Kleinfeld, Tallman, Reinhardt, Smith, Fletcher, Graber | |
criminal, sentencing | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:California Appellate Report U.S. v. Snellenberger (9th Cir. - Oct. 28, 2008) | |
United Bhd. v. Nlrb | October 28, 2008 |
Before: Thomas, Callahan, Roth | |
Full text: PDF | |
Gecc v. Future Media | October 24, 2008 |
Appeal from the Central District of California | |
Before: Fisher, Thomas, Trott | |
bankruptcy | |
Full text: PDF | |
Estrada-Espinoza v. Mukasey | October 20, 2008 |
Review of Board of Immigration Appeals decision | |
Before: Paez, Hawkins, Gould, Clifton, Thomas, Kozinski, Kleinfeld, Tallman, Reinhardt, Pregerson, Silverman | |
immigration, criminal, discrimination | |
Full text: PDF | |
Hoffman v. Citibank (S.D.) | October 14, 2008 |
Appeal from the Central District of California | |
Before: Fisher, Thomas, Trott | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:California Appellate Report Hoffman v. Citibank (9th Cir. - Oct. 14, 2008) | |
Theme Promotions v. News Am. | October 10, 2008 |
Appeal from the Northern District of California | |
Before: Paez, Thomas, Trott | |
en banc | |
Full text: PDF | |
Optional Capital v. Kim | October 3, 2008 |
Appeal from the Central District of California | |
Before: Fisher, Thomas, Trott | |
criminal, finance | |
Full text: PDF | |
Carmona v. Carmona | September 17, 2008 |
Appeal from the District of Nevada | |
Before: Hawkins, Clifton, Thomas | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:California Appellate Report Carmona v. Carmona (9th Cir. - Sept. 17, 2008) | |
Chamber Of Commerce Of The U.S. v. Lockyer | September 15, 2008 |
Before: Paez, Hawkins, Wardlaw, Fisher, Clifton, Beezer, Thomas, Kozinski, Kleinfeld, Reinhardt, Mckeown, Callahan, Rawlinson, Silverman, Schroeder | |
Full text: PDF | |
Sprint Telephony Pcs v. County Of San Diego | September 11, 2008 |
Appeal from the Southern District of California | |
Before: Hawkins, Gould, Thomas, Kozinski, Kleinfeld, Tallman, Tashima, Bybee, Silverman, Berzon, Graber | |
Full text: PDF | |
Villegas v. City Of Gilroy | September 3, 2008 |
Appeal from the Northern District of California | |
Before: Rymer, Paez, O’scannlain, Wardlaw, Fisher, Gould, Thomas, Kozinski, Mckeown, Callahan, Smith | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:How Appealing Garlic breath is incompatible with free speech claim, en banc Ninth Circuit rulesHow Appealing "We must decide whether guests at the Gilroy Garlic Festival can hold the City * * * and the * * * Festival * * * liable in a civil rights action...California Appellate Report Villegas v. Gilroy Garlic Festival Ass'n (9th Cir. - Sept. 3, 2008) | |
United Bhd. v. Nlrb | August 25, 2008 |
Before: Thomas, Callahan, Roth | |
ip, discrimination, first amendment | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:How Appealing "Union members have right to picket malls, court rules" | |
Whistler Inv. v. The Depository Trust | August 22, 2008 |
Appeal from the District of Nevada | |
Before: Hawkins, Clifton, Thomas | |
Full text: PDF | |
Bull v. City & County Sf | August 22, 2008 |
Appeal from the Northern District of California | |
Before: Ikuta, Thomas, Tallman | |
environment, fifth amendment, fourth amendment | |
Full text: PDF | |
USA v. Craighead | August 21, 2008 |
Appeal from the District of Arizona | |
Before: Thomas, Bybee, Block, Block | |
criminal, environment, discrimination, fourth amendment | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:Volokh Conspiracy The Home and Amendments 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5: | |
Theme Promotions v. New Am. | August 20, 2008 |
Appeal from the Northern District of California | |
Before: Paez, Thomas, Trott | |
Full text: PDF | |
Romero-Ruiz v. Mukasey | August 13, 2008 |
Review of Board of Immigration Appeals decision | |
Before: Thomas, Trott, Hogan, Hogan | |
immigration | |
Full text: PDF | |
Sec v. Medley | August 12, 2008 |
Appeal from the Northern District of California | |
Before: Ikuta, Thomas, Tallman | |
Full text: PDF | |
Gecc v. Future Media | August 7, 2008 |
Appeal from the Central District of California | |
Before: Fisher, Thomas, Trott | |
bankruptcy | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:California Appellate Report GEC Capital Corp. v. Future Media Productions (9th Cir. - Aug. 7, 2008) | |
Lockerby v. Sierra | August 7, 2008 |
Appeal from the District of Arizona | |
Before: Hawkins, Clifton, Thomas | |
bankruptcy | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:California Appellate Report Lockerby v. Sierra (9th Cir. - Aug. 7, 2008) | |
Showing opinions 1 to 20 of 46 Next