ACKERMAN: District Judge, Sixth Circuit
Showing opinions 1 to 8 of 8
Brown, et al v. Cassens, et al | October 23, 2008 |
Appeal from the District of New Jersey | |
Before: Moore, Gibbons, Ackerman | |
Full text: PDF | |
Tucker v. Palmer | September 4, 2008 |
Appeal from the Eastern District of Michigan | |
Before: Sutton, Keith, Ackerman | |
criminal, sentencing, discrimination | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:Volokh Conspiracy Now That's an Angry Dissent: | |
216 Jamaica Ave. v. S & R Playhouse | August 27, 2008 |
Appeal from the Northern District of Ohio | |
Before: Sutton, Keith, Ackerman | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:How Appealing "Federal court in Ohio OKs 1912 'gold' lease clause"How Appealing Not an erotic dancing opinion, but nevertheless worth a lookVolokh Conspiracy Gold Coins and 99 Year Leases: | |
Barany-Snyder v. Weiner | August 22, 2008 |
Appeal from the Northern District of Ohio | |
Before: Gibbons, Sutton, Ackerman | |
Full text: PDF | |
Coomer v. Yukins | July 22, 2008 |
Appeal from the Eastern District of Michigan | |
Before: Gibbons, Sutton, Ackerman | |
criminal, discrimination | |
Full text: PDF | |
Fidel v. Farley | July 18, 2008 |
Appeal from the Western District of Kentucky | |
Before: Gibbons, Sutton, Ackerman | |
Full text: PDF | |
William Mobley v. CIR | July 8, 2008 |
Appeal from the District of the Canal Zone the District Court of Guam the District Court of the Virgin Islands | |
Before: Sutton, Keith, Ackerman | |
Full text: PDF | |
USA v. Kimbrel | July 3, 2008 |
Appeal from the Western District of Tennessee | |
Before: Sutton, Keith, Ackerman | |
criminal | |
Full text: PDF | |
Showing opinions 1 to 8 of 8