Consuelo M Callahan: Circuit Judge, Ninth Circuit
Showing opinions 21 to 40 of 43 Next / Previous
Carmickle v. Ssa | July 24, 2008 |
Appeal from the District of Oregon | |
Before: O’scannlain, Callahan, Graber | |
Full text: PDF | |
Tommasetti v. Barnhart | July 17, 2008 |
Appeal from the Central District of California | |
Before: Clifton, Callahan, Trott | |
Full text: PDF | |
Nader v. Brewer | July 9, 2008 |
Appeal from the District of Arizona | |
Before: Clifton, Callahan, Schroeder | |
first amendment | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:How Appealing "Court voids deadline for filers for president" | |
Carrington v. USA | July 3, 2008 |
Before: Pregerson, Callahan, Noonan | |
sentencing, en banc | |
Full text: PDF | |
Kawashima v. Mukasey | July 1, 2008 |
Review of Board of Immigration Appeals decision | |
Before: O’scannlain, Callahan, Leavy | |
immigration, criminal | |
Full text: PDF | |
USA v. Tsui | June 25, 2008 |
Appeal from the District of Oregon | |
Before: Callahan, Ferguson, Wright | |
criminal, sentencing | |
Full text: PDF | |
Texaco v. USA | June 13, 2008 |
Appeal from the Northern District of California | |
Before: Callahan, Schroeder, Hug | |
taxation, sentencing | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:How Appealing "Appeals court denies Texaco's tax refund request" | |
State Of Arizona v. Usdc-Azt | June 9, 2008 |
Appeal from the District of Arizona | |
Before: Gould, Kozinski, Callahan | |
Full text: PDF | |
Chen v. Mukasey | June 3, 2008 |
Review of Board of Immigration Appeals decision | |
Before: Clifton, Callahan, Trott | |
immigration | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:California Appellate Report Chen v. Mukaskey (9th Cir. - June 3, 2008) | |
Natural Res. v. Epa | May 23, 2008 |
Before: Thomas, Callahan, Roth, Roth | |
environment, discrimination | |
Full text: PDF | |
Miller v. Blacketter | May 12, 2008 |
Appeal from the District of Oregon | |
Before: O’scannlain, Callahan, Graber | |
criminal | |
Full text: PDF | |
Reusser v. Wachovia Bank, N. A. | May 8, 2008 |
Appeal from the District of Oregon | |
Before: O’scannlain, Callahan, Graber | |
Full text: PDF | |
Air Line Pilots v. Nlrb | May 8, 2008 |
Before: Thomas, Callahan, Roth, Roth | |
Full text: PDF | |
Forest Serv. Employees For Envtl. Ethics v. United States Forest Serv. | May 1, 2008 |
Appeal from the District of Oregon | |
Before: O’scannlain, Callahan, Graber | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:How Appealing "Court says feds don't have to reveal names" | |
Hernandez v. Mukasey | April 30, 2008 |
Review of Board of Immigration Appeals decision | |
Before: Clifton, Callahan, Trott | |
immigration | |
Full text: PDF | |
Mackenzie v. Barclay | April 16, 2008 |
Appeal from the Central District of California | |
Before: Clifton, Callahan, Trott | |
Full text: PDF | |
USA v. Norberto Reveles-Espinoza | April 15, 2008 |
Before: Fisher, Callahan, Collins | |
criminal, en banc | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:California Appellate Report U.S. v. Reveles-Espinoza (9th Cir. - April 15, 2008) | |
USA v. Norberto Reveles-Espinoza | April 15, 2008 |
Appeal from the Southern District of California | |
Before: Fisher, Callahan, Collins | |
immigration, criminal | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:California Appellate Report U.S. v. Reveles-Espinoza (9th Cir. - April 15, 2008) | |
Tualatin Valley Builders Supply, Inc. v. USA | April 10, 2008 |
Appeal from the District of Oregon | |
Before: O’scannlain, Callahan, Graber | |
taxation | |
Full text: PDF | |
Mendiondo v. Centiela Hosp. | April 1, 2008 |
Appeal from the Central District of California | |
Before: Clifton, Callahan, Trott | |
Full text: PDF | |