MOORE: Circuit Judge, Sixth Circuit
Showing opinions 41 to 60 of 80 Next / Previous
Warshak v. USA | July 11, 2008 |
Appeal from the Southern District of Ohio | |
Before: Batchelder, Moore, Gilman, Cook, Martin, Gibbons, Griffin, Sutton, Rogers, Cole, Mckeague, Clay, Boggs, Daughtrey | |
discrimination, first amendment, fourth amendment | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:How Appealing "Can authorities spy on your private e-mail? Appeals court retains warrantless search in Berkeley case."How Appealing En banc Sixth Circuit vacates preliminary injunction limiting the federal government's ability to seize email communication without first providing...Volokh Conspiracy Sixth Circuit Hands Down En Banc Decision in Warshak v. United States: | |
Croskey v. BMW of N Amer | July 10, 2008 |
Appeal from the Eastern District of Michigan | |
Before: Merritt, Moore, Daughtrey | |
Full text: PDF | |
Sigler v. Amer Honda Motor Co | July 8, 2008 |
Appeal from the Eastern District of Tennessee | |
Before: Moore, Rogers, Clay | |
Full text: PDF | |
USA v. Parrett | July 3, 2008 |
Appeal from the Southern District of Ohio | |
Before: Moore, Daughtrey, Duggan | |
criminal | |
Full text: PDF | |
S.S. v. E. KY Univ | July 2, 2008 |
Appeal from the Eastern District of Kentucky | |
Before: Moore, Gilman, Sutton | |
discrimination, education | |
Full text: PDF | |
Assoc Indust KY v. US Liab Ins Grp | June 27, 2008 |
Appeal from the Western District of Kentucky | |
Before: Moore, Siler, Mckeague | |
Full text: PDF | |
Planned Parenthood v. Taft | June 23, 2008 |
Appeal from the Southern District of Ohio | |
Before: Moore, Rogers, Mckeague | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:How Appealing U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit asks Supreme Court of Ohio to provide definitive construction of the meaning of an Ohio statute prohibiting... | |
USA v. Dedman | May 29, 2008 |
Appeal from the Eastern District of Kentucky | |
Before: Moore, Gilman, Siler | |
criminal, sentencing | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:How Appealing Does Arkansas law prohibit marriage between a man and his adopted daughter's adopted daughter?Volokh Conspiracy May a Man Marry His Adopted Daughter's Adopted Daughter in Arkansas? How About Kentucky? | |
USA v. Purcell | May 29, 2008 |
Appeal from the Eastern District of Kentucky | |
Before: Moore, Gilman, Sutton | |
criminal, fourth amendment | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:Volokh Conspiracy That Your Bag, Ma'am? | |
USA v. Penson | May 27, 2008 |
Appeal from the Northern District of Ohio | |
Before: Moore, Cole, Wiseman | |
criminal, sentencing | |
Full text: PDF | |
Nance v. Goodyear Tire Co | May 23, 2008 |
Appeal from the Western District of Tennessee | |
Before: Batchelder, Moore, Cole | |
discrimination | |
Full text: PDF | |
Sensations Inc v. City of Grand Rapids | May 20, 2008 |
Appeal from the Western District of Michigan | |
Before: Merritt, Moore, Daughtrey | |
first amendment | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:How Appealing Unanimous three-judge Sixth Circuit panel rejects challenge to Grand Rapids, Michigan ordinance governing "Conduct in Sexually Oriented Businesses" | |
Brittingham v. GMC | May 16, 2008 |
Appeal from the Southern District of Ohio | |
Before: Merritt, Moore, Daughtrey | |
discrimination | |
Full text: PDF | |
Zirnhelt v. MI Con Gas, et al | May 16, 2008 |
Appeal from the Eastern District of Michigan | |
Before: Moore, Gilman, Sutton | |
Full text: PDF | |
Lockett v. Suardini | May 14, 2008 |
Appeal from the Western District of Michigan | |
Before: Moore, Gilman, Sutton | |
criminal, first amendment | |
Full text: PDF | |
S&M Brands Inc v. Cooper | May 13, 2008 |
Appeal from the Middle District of Tennessee | |
Before: Moore, Kennedy, Mckeague | |
Full text: PDF | |
Harden-Bey v. Rutter | May 12, 2008 |
Appeal from the Western District of Michigan | |
Before: Moore, Gilman, Sutton | |
criminal, sentencing | |
Full text: PDF | |
B & H Med v. ABP Admin Inc | May 7, 2008 |
Appeal from the Eastern District of Michigan | |
Before: Moore, Gilman, Sutton | |
Full text: PDF | |
MI Div Monument v. MI Cemetery, et al | May 1, 2008 |
Appeal from the Eastern District of Michigan | |
Before: Moore, Gilman, Sutton | |
Full text: PDF | |
Huang v. Mukasey | April 25, 2008 |
Review of Board of Immigration Appeals decision | |
Before: Moore, Mckeague, Schwarzer | |
immigration | |
Full text: PDF | |
Blogged:Appellate Law & Practice CA1: two unpublished Chinese immigration decisions | |